2011年7月30日 星期六

[書蠹]曼谷的發條女孩 by Paolo Bacigalupi




本書也讓人一窺國際大獎作品的水準。引用貓昌前輩轉述國外關於本書的評論:「... But in an odd way, it is a novel which counterpoints Atwood very well. She has people in (more-or-less) our world entering the future and being disturbed by it. Bacigalupi's characters, whether farang exploiters or ruthless politicians, live in that future. They are just not versions of us living in a world we are anxious about but people born in that world who have to make moral choices based upon that world as it is, not as we would like it to be. Awful things happen in The Windup Girl but it is not necessarily inhabited by awful people. Which may be the most unsettling thing about it.」≪發條≫一書背景上承作者過去發表的短篇,書末又留有伏筆,除了希望出版社能夠把前作補完,也期待作者能夠繼續擴充這個迷人的世界。

