2013年5月10日 星期五

[桌遊]Dungeon! 不期不待不受傷害

遊戲作者:David Megarry
遊戲類型:Dungeon Crawler

Dungeon!是1975年TSR公司出版的同名遊戲最新版(規則可見此篇)。遊戲作者David Megarry創作此遊戲的靈感發想於Blackmoor,也是D&D的前身(另外一個受到Blackmoor影響的玩家Gary Gygax,就是鼎鼎大名的D&D作者之一)。經過這麼多年,這遊戲已經用了Dungeon!、The Classic Dungeon及The New Dungeon!等名字出版並且發行了一套擴充。各版本之間的地圖略有不同,規則也有所差別,但基本內容還是一樣的。







Boots of Striding and Springing

Variant Movement

Each of you has purchased a marvelous magic item from a hedge mage prior to your foray into the dungeon. These specialboots of striding and springing allow you to bound about at an incredible pace! Unfortunately, you never really could understand the old mage’s instructions completely, and the boots tend to behave a bit… erratically.

Variant Rule: On your turn, roll two dice for movement instead of moving 5 spaces.
Book of Infinite Spells

Variant Regaining Spells

A most valuable and useful magic item from your master’s library that you rescued before it burned to the ground (by that fire elemental you mistakenly released), the book will undoubtedly come in handy while adventuring in the dungeon. Just turn the page, and a new spell appears!

Variant Rule: When you're playing the Wizard and spend an entire turn in the Great Hall, you can roll one die and select that many Spell cards to return to your hand instead of selecting just 1 card.
Your Worst Enemy

Variant Win Condition

Each of you managed to make a powerful enemy that’s been hunting you throughout the land. You know you’re due for a showdown soon, but maybe if you head down into the dungeon, you can buy some time and find some way to defeat your foe.

Variant Rule: When you return to the Great Hall with the required amount of Treasure, you must have a final combat with a Monster to win the game. Reveal a Monster (skip Traps) with a Level equal to the highest recommended level for your Hero (Rogue – Level 3, Cleric – Level 4, Fighter – Level 5, Wizard – Level 6). Wizards may choose to use a Spell prior to revealing the Monster. Place that Monster card next to your Hero. Fight that Monster. If you end your turn in the Great Hall with enough Treasure to win the game (either by defeating the Monster or retaining enough Treasure after the Monster attacks you), you claim victory!
Adventuring Party

Cooperative Play Variant

The dungeon’s gotten very dangerous of late—with its wandering monsters threatening to overrun the nearby town! You’ve decided to set aside your differences for once, and created an adventuring company charter to aid your town in beating back the tide of evil. And this time, everyone gets an equal share of the loot… although you still have to watch the Rogue.

Variant Rule: Instead of playing the game against each other, you are all working together to defeat the Monsters and claim treasure. At the beginning of the game, add up the gp amounts of Treasure needed to win the game for all Heroes, and divide the total by 2. That number is the collective amount of winning Treasure for everyone. During the game, you can play with your Treasure cards face up. Once the Heroes have enough Treasure to win, each Hero must return to the Great Hall. The Heroes lose the game if one of the following things happen:
Two Heroes are killed during the game.
You have a number of revealed Monster cards in the numbered slots on the side of the board equal to the number of Heroes +2.


2 則留言:

  1. 我買了,是有點失望(尤其是配件),內盒也沒凹槽設計,但就是喜歡那個探險地圖啊,主要也是想跟小孩玩玩簡單的地城遊戲,不過買回至今,原文翻譯都還沒動(我的英文程度很差),不知哪來的蠢勁去買(封面佔ㄧ半),不知您有簡易的說明檔可以給我嗎?
    我的 E-Mail 是:

  2. 已經寄給你囉,你的email好特別:D
